ブックタイトル東北大学 アニュアルレビュー2015(英語版)
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このページは 東北大学 アニュアルレビュー2015(英語版) の電子ブックに掲載されている12ページの概要です。
東北大学 アニュアルレビュー2015(英語版)
EducationInternational Festival 2015Bringing the World to SendaiOne of the major highlights of the school calendar is theTohoku University International Festival, which markedits 30 thanniversary this year with a day of music, foodand games at Kawauchi Campus.Organised by the university’s Foreign StudentsAssociation (TUFSA), in collaboration with communitygroups and local companies, the annual event aims toshowcase various cultures, and celebrate both the diversityand common values of people around the world.To raise awareness and funds for the Nepal earthquakevictims, a special Project Nepal information boothwas also set up.As always, the highlight of the festival was thefood. The traditional cuisines of some 24 countries wererepresented this year - including German schnitzel,Georgian lobio, Vietnamese pho, Iranian kebabs andHawaiian pancakes ? all prepared and cooked by thestudents themselves.Adding to the cultural exchange and festive atmosphereof the event, the international students put on afashion show of ethnic costumes, performed native folkdances and played instruments.Not to be outdone, local Japanese groups also performedtraditional entertainment for the crowd, and setup booths promoting Japanese calligraphy, tea makingand regional travel.In 2014, following its selection into the government’sTop Global Universities project, Tohoku Universityreinforced its commitment to internationalization bylaunching the Tohoku University Global Initiative. Theaim is to raise global leaders through creative educationstyles, opportunities to study abroad, and internationalcollaborations.Key elements of the initiative include partnershipswith top universities through the International JointGraduate Programme, and more courses taught in En-glish through the Global Learning Centre’s Future GlobalLeadership (FGL) programme.There are currently some 1,700 fulltime internationalstudents from 100 countries at Tohoku University.Thousands more come to Sendai each year to participatein the short term summer programmes. In 2015,the Tohoku University Japanese Programme and theEngineering Summer Programme on Robotics were justtwo of several summer offerings that received a recordnumber of applicants.Tohoku University ANNUAL REVIEW 2015page: 10Tohoku University ANNUAL REVIEW 2015page: 11