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東北大学 アニュアルレビュー2015(英語版)

School of Medicine’s 100 th Anniversary1937Facing Forward, Looking BackThe Tohoku University School of Medicine hit another milestonein its long glorious history by turning 100 in 2015.In the past century, the school has produced many famous clinicians and educators,whose ground breaking research has changed the practice of medicinenot just in Japan but around the world.1937Studying pathologyStudents playing billiard1913Atlas des Menschlichen Gehirn”orsticks in Professor Motokawa’s lab.associated with the Moyamoya dis-ment of Surgery. He established“Microscopic Atlas of HumanFortunately, the bomb was found inease, which he named. The diseasethe Kasai procedure for congenitalBrain.”He is also renowned for col-time and thrown out the window ontocauses arteries in the brain to bebiliary atresia. In the procedure, thelecting the brains of over 200 spe-the courtyard below where it ex-impaired, and the collateral circula-blocked bile duct and gallbladdercies of mammals including dolphins,ploded. No one was killed but moretion develops small and weak bloodare removed and the small intestineseals and Japanese wolves.than 500 windows from surroundingvessels. These blood vessels appearis connected with the liver directlyHe worked long hours andbuildings were broken by the blast.like a puff of smoke (expressed asto drain bile. He saved many new-had a reputation for being strictProfessor Motokawa was pro-moyamoya in Japanese) on the con-born babies with this procedure.and demanding. But he was alsoficient in drawing and calligraphy,ventional X-ray angiography.As one of the pioneering pe-thoughtful, as seen by his contribu-and enjoyed discussing art with hisProfessor Suzuki was a veterandiatric surgeons in Japan, he madetion towards the construction of thestudents, often speculating on theirof the Japanese Navy and managedgreat contributions in the areas ofShowa-sha dormitory for medicalpersonalities based on their choices.his laboratory in a military manner.neonatal surgery, pediatric surgicalstudents.Professor Nakao Ishida wasAll laboratory members took part innutrition and pediatric surgical on-Professor Koichi Motokawathe third Professor of the Depart-navy-style exercises every Wednes-cology.was the second Professor of the 2 ndment of Bacteriology and the 15 thday morning. He left a legacy ofProfessor Kasai was also anDepartment of Physiology, the 12thpresident.“Eight Medical Commandments”experienced alpinist. He success-president of Tohoku University andHe and his colleagues dis-such as“The human brain is widerfully led a Tohoku University moun-a major player in the developmentcovered the Sendai virus, which isthan an ocean.”taineering party to the summit of theof the first electroencephalograph inused as a virus vector and for cellProfessor Morio Kasai was theNyenchen Tanglha Mountains (7,162Japan. But he is perhaps still bestfusion. This was a major milestonethird Professor of the 2 ndDepart-m) in the Tibetan Plateau in 1986.Surgical demonstrationknown by his nickname“The Dyna-in the research of viruses at Tohokumite President”due to an explosiveUniversity. He found an anti-cancerincident at his laboratory.antibiotic from the soil in Sendai andThe Tohoku University School ofMedicine was known as the MedicalSchool of the Tohoku ImperialUniversity when it was foundedin 1915. It was the fourth medicalschool founded within the networkof Japan’s Imperial Universities atthe turn of the 20 th century.The Tohoku Imperial Universitywas reorganized into the currentTohoku University in 1947 and theSchool of Medicine was establishedunder the new system of educationin 1951. The Graduate School ofMedicine was established in 1955and expanded to include DisabilitySciences (1994), Health Sciences(2010) and the School of PublicHealth (2015).As the university looks forwardto the possibilities of the next 100years, it’s worth remembering andhonoring some of the remarkablemen who have led the School ofMedicine to the top of its class.Professor Gennosuke Fuse wasthe first Professor of the Departmentof Anatomy. He is most famous forhis collaboration with Constantinvon Monakow on“MikroskopischerA mental health patient, convincedthat hazardous radio wavesfrom the university were harminghis brain, left a bundle of dynamite1926Students studying in the anatomy room.obtained its patent. He then establishedthe Sendai Institute of Microbiologywith the royalties earned.Professor Ishida was considereda broad-minded person andwas often described in myriad ways,from“quick, energetic and strict,”to“friendly, helpful and a lot of fun.”He was said to have a poetic souland was known to be kind and compassionate,especially towards hisstudents.Professor Jiro Suzuki was thefirst Professor of the Departmentof Neurosurgery. He is most oftenDr Oshitani’s laboratory2015Tohoku University ANNUAL REVIEW 2015Tohoku University ANNUAL REVIEW 2015page: 14page: 15